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Constitution Committee:
This committee shall study and present all amendments of this constitution to the membership. The chairperson of this committee shall serve as the Parliamentarian for all meetings and be governed by Roberts Rules of Order, revised.
Program Committee:
The duty of this committee shall be to plan and implement the annual conference program, awards banquet, annual community service project, the student scholarship, mentoring and other programs as directed by the Officers Executive.
Finance Committee:
The Finance Committee shall have full control and supervision of all funds and assets of NRPEMS, and it shall prepare the annual budget for the approval of the Board of Directors. It shall recommend to said committee the investments and/or expenditure of funds and keep the Executive Committee Officers advised on the condition of said funds. This committee shall consist of Chairperson, Treasurer, President-Elect and two members appointed by the President.
Historical Committee:
The chairperson of this committee shall be the Historian of NRPEMS. The duty of this committee shall be to keep accurate records of NRPEMS and oversee the transmittal of records from outgoing officers and committee chairpersons to incoming officers and committee chairpersons. This committee shall also be responsible for preparing pertinent information and biographical sketches of deceased members of NRPEMS and for other duties as designated by the President.
Membership, Recruitment and Placement Committee:
The duties of this committee shall include the recruitment of candidates for membership and the promotion of the employment of minorities in a variety of jobs with recreation, park and leisure service agencies. This committee shall also be responsible for keeping an accurate roster of all members of NRPEMS which includes each member’s name, title, department, address, telephonenumber and type of membership.
Public Relations/Publicity Committee:
The duty of this committee shall be to promote and publicize information and activities of the NRPEMS. This committee oversees the social media accounts and Grapevine Newsletter.
Research and Training Committee:
The duty of this committee shall be is to establish and maintain contact with those agencies, institutions and organizations conducting research concerning recreation and park needs and interests of minorities. The duty of this Committee shall also be to generate interest, support and finance for research projects. The duty of committee is to provide emerging, developing and evolving students and professionals with training opportunities on cutting edge topics and methods to maximize the impact of Ethnic Minorities in Parks and Recreation by providing training opportunities on cutting edge theories and research; assisting with the recruitment of sessions proposals that impact ethnic minorities for state and national associations, presenting educational sessions and speaking opportunities at local departments, colleges and universities, and local and state associations; and facilitating networking among those who work on related topics from academia and the professional environment.
Student Committee:
The duty of this committee shall be is to establish and maintain contact with the various student organizations throughout the United States. The chairperson shall represent the students in all matters concerning them.
Necrology Committee:
The chairperson of this committee shall be the Chaplain. This committee shall be responsible for preparing pertinent information and biographical sketches of deceased members of NRPEMS and other duties as designated by the Board of Directors.
Nomination/Elections Committee:
The Past President will serve as the chair for this committee. The duty of this committee shall be to present two or more nominations for the office of President-elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Chaplain, the NRPA Board of Trustees representative(s) and the remaining number of necessary board members. This committee shall accept nominations for NRPEMS officers until June 1st, prepare a list of nominees to be voted upon by mail at least sixty (60) days prior to annual meeting and supervise the annual election of NRPEMS, in accordance with Article VIII, Section 1-9.
President’s Circle:
The duties of this committee is to serve as advisors to the Board and membership.
Life Members Circle:
The duties of this committee are to maintain updated contact information for all life members and to increase engagement between the life members and the remaining membership.